Challah for Hope

Challah for Hope at Penn State

Challah for Hope brings people together to bake and sell challah in effort to raise funds and awareness for social justice causes by:

Giving Globally: Chapters donate half the proceeds to support national or global organizations fighting hunger. We partner with Swipe Out Hunger to raise funds for hunger relief.

Giving Locally: Each chapter works to make a difference in its local community. Chapters donate half the proceeds to a local organization making a big impact in the community.

2023 Leadership:

Bryn Goldman President [email protected]
Emily Shor Vice President [email protected]
Francesca Friedman Secretary [email protected]
Tim Mattaboni Treasurer [email protected]
Shaina Benz Social Media Coordinator [email protected]
Maya Yaroni Baking Coordinator [email protected]
Lila Stevens Pickup Coordinator [email protected]


Opportunities to Get Involved: 

Challah for Hope bakes on a bi-weekly basis at Penn State Hillel, located at 180 S. Garner Street. Bakes are open to everyone, and do not require you to have any prior cooking skills. Many students bake to distress from a busy week, or just for fun, and strive to create a fun and laid back environment.


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