Racial Justice & The Jewish Community

Please join in celebrating Black History Month with this special event exploring racial justice from a Jewish perspective, with Rabbi Sandra Lawson, Campus Rabbi at Elon Hillel.

Rabbi Lawson will be shedding light on some of the challenges American Jews have faced around embracing diversity within their communities and in the larger movement for racial equality, as well as opportunities that exist for allyship and bridge building, on both individual and communal levels. She’ll be joined by two fellow Jews of Color — Sage Morgan-Hubbard (Brown ’05), Assistant Director at the Brown Center for Students of Color and Natasha Nelson (Brown ’16), former Engagement Associate at Baruch Hillel in New York City.

This event has been organized by the Brown RISD Hillel Alumni Events Committee in partnership with the Brown RISD Hillel student groups, HIRAJ (Hillel Initiative on Racial Awareness and Justice) and Hillelin’ with Melanin, a group for Jews of Color.