Host Your Own: JewPAC

Jewish Programming Allocation Committee (JewPAC)

JewPAC is a micro-grant program to help fund and support students to plan and create Jewish experiences at Penn State. This means Penn State Hillel will provide the resources (Jewish content and reimbursements) to curate YOUR initiatives in YOUR communities! Students can apply for funding through the form below.

This includes (but is not limited to) meals to celebrate the holidays or Shabbat, Jewish discussions, Israel programming, and other religious/cultural experiences. For a more complete list of ideas, click here.

Thank you for all your events this spring! We’ll see you this summer and fall.

Steps to a Successful JewPAC:

  1. Complete the request form below at least 48 hours prior to your event
  2. Wait for approval from the student executive committee
  3. Execute your experience!
  4. Submit high-quality photos and your itemized receipts on the Evaluation Form

Note: We may not approve requests outside of these price brackets (tips and fees are not eligible for reimbursement)
2-10 people = $15 per person
11-24 people = $12 per person
25-50 people = $10 per person
51-75 people = $8 per person
The above brackets will be used as a guide for reimbursement. They are NOT a guarantee of reimbursement. You will be asked to track your attendance using this Excel sheet.

If you have questions, contact us at [email protected].

Disclaimer of Responsibility:
Neither Penn State Hillel, nor their Board of Directors, employees, interns or volunteers assume any responsibility for any illness, injury or death due to the violation of social distancing guidelines during a JewPAC program. Individuals who apply for JewPAC funding assume full responsibility for their event and guests attending the event. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to adhere to all social distancing guidelines as well as their guests and attendees. Penn State Hillel reserves the right for non-payment of an event if the social distancing guidelines put for the by the Governor of Pennsylvania, and/or The Pennsylvania State University are not followed or violated in any way.